22 dogs + 1 incoherent lady = 1 smelly car

"Twenty-two dogs found confined to a single station wagon were seized by the SPCA of Texas this morning and taken to an animal shelter in McKinney, SPCA officials said."
"When a Grayson County constable attempted to serve a warrant at the car, a woman in the car locked the doors and refused to come out."
Just WOW?!?!? I wonder how she was able to stand the smell! I shall affectionately nick name her little Miss Elmira (the character from Baby Looney Tunes who loved all the animals - but they hated her!! They would hide when they saw her coming. Guess the dogs didn't get that memo. LOL)
The reports states the owner of the vehicle was not arrested and is not facing any charges BUT Adult Protective Services has been contacted.
That is the saddest and funniest thing I've seen in a minute....SMH!