What's beefing? Model Edition

I was talking to my favorite Filipino co-worker Anna and I was like:

"Hey Anna, did you know that Russell Simmons model girlfriends are beefing?" She smiled, ready to be entertained by my story and calmly said, ".... what's beefing?" So I giggled and explained that BEEFING is the art of verbal sparring between two willing opponents. She was like "OH!?! Okay." So I said "Yea, so Russell's Simmons model girlfriends are beefing. The new chic, Julie, who happens to be white, wrote a blog on Russ's website (Global Grind) saying something about understanding black people and the struggles of those who experience poverty or some dumb gibberish. And how she not a white gold digger and why would people say that about her and blah, blah, blah and then ended it with, B*tch get your own man!"

Anna was like..... WHAT!?! *giggles*

I said "YES Girl. So his ex-girlfriend, (wait for it... :0) .... who happens to be black (were you really surprised?), wrote a reply on the SAME website (pause.. and let it sink in... okay you can continue) titled You White, Stringy haired B*tch." Of course Anna was as intrigued by the wackness of the entire set up as me. "Yeeepppppp, so Katie writes a long winded posts that basically said sometimes people are going to say things that hurt but so what?" She also admitted to being a trouble maker in the past and sometimes says things that are crass. She ended her post by signing off "Katie Rost, A Stone Cold Nappy Head Ho."

Anna is shaking her head in amazement now... so she says, "You have got to put that on your blog." She knows I like to report on the weird and unexplainable.

After reading Katie post, I am siding with her. TEAM KATIE Because what does Julie meeting poor struggling black people have to do with the price of tea in China???? To say that immediately told me she was talking to someone black (insert Katie's name here). If she has a problem with something Katie did or said, Katie basically called her bluff and said SAY IT TO MY FACE. Whomp!

Read Julie's post here and Katie's reply here and you be the judge. (source theYBF.com)

BTW, my friend swears Russell Simmons wrote that reply. LOL


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